THE LADY BEHIND THE VEIL (Insanely Perfect Lady)

Amica Mea MyZ…

From the day I interfaced with you,

Real beauty resonates from your ever-smiling face,

The face that launches a thousand ships,

I saw a smile I have never seen before,

I saw beauty that speaks to the tiniest of element,

I graced a personality owned by a lady under a silky veil,

A veil flown by an enigmatic personality,

Flown by an icon of Beauty,


Behind that veil is the lady I fell for,

With you no matter how strong the wind is,

The silky veil radiates your beauty in its purest form,

Beauty that words and pictures can explain,

The veil on your shoulders makes you more charming, alluring and scintillating,

The smile of yours can lighten a dark room

Behind that veil is a lady I fell for

Behind that veil, I feel the presence of my love,

MyZ! is endowed with such a beauty that shall be appreciated by all,

Behind that veil is my MyZ!

Behind that veil is the Character, Personality, knowledgeable and Charming lady,

You are a Princess in your own right,

With a beauty that speaks loud from every angle, Mea MyZ!

Forever Yours,

Mallam Sadiq I. Safana


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