Sarkin Dawaki Mai Tutan Katsina I,

The Heir Apparent,

The Scion of Royalty,

An erudite Personality,

Your character is unmatched,

Your attitude worthy of emulation,

A beacon of hope for the younger generation,

You are epitome Royalty in all forms,

An Ideal Role Model for the younger generation to follow,

You have renditioned Royalty in Words and Deeds,

You are imbibed with strong Islamic and Western Education and Sound Morals,

A Smart, Passionate, Suave, Affable and Cosmopolitan Young Gentleman joined the A-List of Katsina,

As Katsina Emirate welcome it’s Newly Turbaned Engineer to join the Who-is-Who of Katsina Emirate,

A quintessential Son, A Grandson, Son, In-law, Nephew, Brother, Uncle and Colleague rode like only a few Royals could do,

That embodies everything Royalty, Integrity, Service, Excellence, Humility, Accountability and Transparency,

Sarkin Dawaki Mai Tutan Katsina I,

Your reputation is Worthy of being named into the TIME 100 Most Influential People on the Planet,

Most Influential Royals on Earth,

Most Influential Muslims alive,

Most Influential Africans breathing

Most Influential Nigerians at home and the Diaspora,

Most Influential Bakatsine from farmlands of Damari to the boarder and sandy town of Babban-Mutum,

Hailing from the Royal House of Waziri Haruna, the former Sarkin Kaitan Katsina,

Grandson of the Sarkin Fadan Katsina,

Grandson of Makaman Katsina Tukur Idris Nadabo,

Grandson of Wazirin Katsina Isa Kaita,

You represented them in Grand Style and ragalia as a Prince from both families with Royal ancestry,

History was made when His Highness The Emir of Katsina Turbaned you on that Saturday Morning in the ancient city of Katsina,

No Emirate Council in the North was not present at the Turbaning Ceremony of the Decade,

The sounds of Trumpets (Algaita) and Local Music (Mawaka and Makada) were heard from a far,

Every nook and cranny of Katsina City was filled with Supporters and Well Wishers,

From the four King Makers of Katsina Emirate,

Kauran, Yandakan, Galadiman and Durbin Katsina were all amazed by the Youthful Sarkin Dawaki,

While the other District Heads from all the Districts of Katsina Emirate celebrate your ascension as Sarkin Dawaki Mai Tutan Katsina I,

As the Emir places the Red Cap (Dara) and began to place the White Turban (Rawani) on you,

His Royal Highness began the Turbaning while Kauran Katsina completed the Centenary Tradition,

His Highness uttered prayers and concluded by admonishing the Newly Turbaned Engineer by training and Banker by profession,

His Words of Wisdom and Wise Counsel remained ingrained in the hearts and minds of his people,

Prayers wishing you long life and prosperity were showered on you,

The Royal Guards (Fadawa) in their traditional uniform of Red and Green Gown chanted and sang praises to the New Sarkin Dawaki Mai Tutan Katsina,

Hailing your ancestry from both parents,

Entertaining thousands that gathered from all over the world to celebrate you,

Sarkin Dawaki Mai Tutan Katsina I,

This title bestowed on you was echoed from North to South, East to West,

Thousands troop into the Century Old Palace to grace one of the best Turbaning Ceremony in recent times,

As you rode the fully decorated Pony out of the emirs palace to the ancestral home of Sarkin Fada Damale,

Your entourage could make it to the Guinness world records as the largest in recent times,

Your durbar ceremony is one that will be spoken of in decades in terms of Organization and Discipline; Coordination and Planning,

It is a ceremony even the unborn would hear from those who lived long and graced the occasion,

Sarkin Dawaki Mai Tutan Katsina I,

Truly, you are a Great addition to the Emirate Council interms of Intellectual Capacity, Professionalism and Style,

Sarkin Dawaki Mai Tutan Katsina I,

I am sure your Dad looked down on that Saturday Morning and wore a coruscating Smile,

Sarkin Dawaki Mai Tutan Katsina I,

Both Your Grandparents;

Late Sarkin Fada Damale offered a prayer to God to guide and protect you,

While the Late Makama Tukur smiled and said a prayer to Allah to give you the strength to continue making them proud,

Your Personality befits the title ‘Sarkin Dawaki Mai Tutan Katsina I’,

You are the Son that will make his dynasty Proud,

Sarkin Dawaki Mai Tutan Katsina I,

You are as Good a Man God created,

May you live long in Good Health and Wealth,

Ran Sarkin Dawaki ya dade,

Allah ya Taya Riko,



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