I need my own Domain!

Am beginning to love blogging, I am considering buying my own domain and join the blog world, a friend (kenwooi.com)I met at Intima conference last year (2008) is now one of the most popular bloggers in Malaysia, He started just like me and now, alot of people are viewing his blog daily. At first, when he was still using blogspot, I read the blog and found out that, he blogged about his assignment in skool and most people that go there were students, after that he began to blog about life and other things.

I want to have my own domain name, as an IT practitioner, its kind of OK to have ur own site where people will go and find out more about you, especially employers, its Good for one to post his latest research and what he has achieved in the course of his life long journey. You can share alot of thought on your site and more on your life for those interested.

Another thing i am thinking on is on what to blog about, I love to blog about politics, ICT and Computers, Education, Public Speaking and Nigeria! I am trying to deviate from sports (Football) because I am trying to be more focused on life!

And finally, the General Evaluator made the most marketable quote about Toastmasters International, he said, "while Companies are downsizing, TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL is growing rapidly" which is true. I will be blogging on this quotation next, sit back as I get you the best ever post on Toastmasters International!!!


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