20 Hours a Week Security Class

The semester has started with a block lecture (the whole course covered in a week 4 hours daily), the courses are taught by Associate professor Dr. yi Mu from University Of Wollongong, Australia. Dr. Yi Mu is one of the finest Men i have seen in his filed (Security), I will rate him thesame with the like of Adi Shamir, Ron Rivest, Diffie-Hellman etc. He is teaching us CSCI361 - Cryptography and CSCI368 - Network Security.
The assignment and tutorials were all given by him to aid us in learning the concept of Computer Security. I will always remember him for the jokes and his life scenarios he do give to aid understanding in the class. The best thing i learnt from him is not Cryptography, its how to study, he said, "Take down notes during lectures, read again and summerise it based on what you understand, if you have problem, ask questions". that is one of the best advices i have ever gotten in life.
Ramadan is coming to an end, We have reached the 17th day, Prayers are becoming more personal towards our goals in Life, after that, sitta shawwal will follow to complement the two months.
Gani Fahwemi SAN , has passed way two days ago aged 71, May His soul rest in Perfect peace, Ameen.
FInally, I am thinking of Taking a CISSP certification exam, what do you think???