Stop the Sale of NITEL now!
I cant recall when last a Nigerian made a call with his Landline, when last a fax to and out Nigeria was sent. People depend on Internet Cafe's for Internet access, Very bad call services using the GSM, Poor Interconnectivity within Networks and lots more Wahala from the so called best GSM services in Africa.
As BPE prepares to sell NITEL in parts, Nigerian Government should note that it was the same company that was once the best in the Region before the coming of GSM and other PSTN networks. Other countries that are really giving more attention to their Telecommunication Agencies, Nigeria because of GSM (translated in Hausa as Ga Sabuwar Matsala) meaning Having New Problem, now wants to turn back to one of our best brands we ever had in the history, Most of the people that led to what NITEL is now have their own PSTN companies through NCC (Nigerian Communication Commission).
In Nigeria, No network company have the Infrastructure NITEL had before it was dragged to what it is now, Bad management and Lack of Technical know-how is what is killing the whole idea of reviving the company to serve the Nation. When Tun Muhathir, (former Malsysia's Prime Minister) rolled out his vision 2020, one of his vision is that all houses must be connected to Internet by 2020, and he showed a way by streamyx available to every Malaysian regardless of his Social status, they have more better quality of GSM services compared to Nigeria. The most expensive GSM call globally is done in Nigeria. Is the FG telling us that they cannot find a suitable solution for the problem NITEL is in NOW? or that no one has an idea of something called NITEL Business & Services transformation Plan that will be marshaled for certain period of time (2 years), after that they can access what to do next.
Malam Ummaru, Selling NITEL to the highest bidder is not the issue, remember, it was sold to TRASNCORP during Obasanjo and nothing was done, dont do that mistake again please. Deregulation of Nigerias Telecommunication sector is not the solution to the current Telecommunication problems we have. You said in your speech that, “The challenge is great. The goal is clear. The time is now.”
The time is now to do things right.