Surprise Bday and battling stress

June 25 marked another 1 year to my age, now i am i+1 years old. I was a great day thanks to Maxis for the free maxis to maxis calls, Jamilu and Fatima for the Surprise bday cake, My friends and family for the facebook messages, I love you all. This year, there was no flour and water soaking from friends, cos my Intima colleagues are not around to do the crazy stuff, I missed the egg throwing (@ Stan Uzi).

After reading many books on stress management, I began to practice things i learnt from it,one is the thing is Switching phone off when you are tired, i was speaking to Ummi some days ago ad we were speaking about stress, she also suggested the same thing, I started practicing it, I will also be switching my phone off when am going to bed instead of putting it in a low volume, it tends to wake me up when the sleep is not too deep. Another thing i do is to do some exercises before going to bed, but these days, I forget to do that before going to bed. but whenever I do some exercised, i have a nice sleep and wake up fresh.

Listen to me... I will be back...


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