My Home Office

In the 21st century, its normal for an individual to own a PC for his personal use, I use my PC not only for email and typing, Software Development, Web Development and lots more, the monitor I had before was becoming outdated, so i bought new one and a new graphics card to give me a better output of multimedia applications and movies when am tired. Running 4 OS's Vista 64 bits, 2 Xp's 32 and 64 bits and an Ubuntu Linux 9.04. But i will be changing them soon, I want to have just two, Xp is one OS i cant do without, and then vista, I will be running fedora 10 and ubuntu server 9.04 on VMware workstation. I will be great working with two OS on two different screens, the switching will be cool, if you are a type that loves spending 12-18 hours in front of your PC, then my method will be nice for you. I am really enjoying it, I find it easy to proceed with my software project, its really nice to be coding on a different screen and testing the codes on another.
I got the Idea when I first started watching the series 24, the CTU agent Chloe O'Brien is a role model when it comes to this, I was joking with a friend in the system administration class that if our lecturer were to be Chloe Obrien, all members of the class will become GEEKS!


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