Outsourcing Nigerian Government!!!?

I was reading through people's status on facebook and I came across a very important subject that my fellow counterpart shared on his profile, its a basic discussion about Nigeria, some people dropped by and gave their own comment, some even suggested that we outsource our Government to foreigner with experience about handling a country or a project with same or bigger magnitude as Nigeria's, some of the suggestions were Bill Clinton, Kofi Annan, and a host of others as Project Managers, But do we really think this is a solution, but its an option as someone said, I believe that, its only a matter of time that our beloved country will migrate from the current state we are in to a more better one, its just a matter of time that we will have a Nigerian that will come from nowhere and inspire all of us to a common cause just as Obama did, I believe its just a mater of time that Change will surely come to Nigeria, But there will be set back in the process, Democracy is still young in Nigeria, so we should have patience on our leaders as new one's are being groomed to take the challenge before them and begin to think of how to build a new State that has failed to build its self for almost half a century.
In our National Anthem we do sing every morning, there is a verse that says: "the labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain", but I doubt that,if any of our founding fathers can wake up from his grave fro a day, he will give a judgment on how his legacy, strength and hardwork has been vanquished by the current generation of corrupt leadership of the so called Democrats, If Lincoln were to be a Nigerian, he will say that the Government of the People By the people and for the people has perished from earth in Nigeria!


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