Yes We Can Nigerians!
That was the campaign slogan of President Barack Obama on his way to the white house, He didn't tell Americans and the people of the world that "Yes I can", he said to them we would change the country together, and the response is always "Yes We Can", he said,"I am asking you to believe not just in my ability to bring about the real change in Washington...,I am also asking you to believe in yours". Nigeria can be rebuilt to a first world country if we believe in our own ability to do that, we can be a food basket nation that will feed others, we can build more refineries to meet our daily demand and others, we can transform our educational system so that No Nigerian needs to go to another country to get a 21st century Education, We can make light stable once more to attract foreign investors and create millions of Green Jobs, We can have a new Primary health care policy that is affordable to all,All these are possible, don't tell me that we cant do...