Oh God, I ask you for mercy from you, By which you guide my heart, By which you rebuild my integrity, by which you help me recover myself from confusion, by which you keep trials away from me, by which you restore my piety, by which you protect my interior and elevate my exterior, by which you purify my soul, by which you inspire me with my right course and by which you guard me against every evil. Oh God! Give me a sincere faith and certitude which admit of no return to unbelief, give me the compassion by which I reach the honor of receiving your grace in this world and the next. Oh God, I ask you for success according to your decree, for the ranks of martyrs, for the way of living of the happy ones, for victory over enemies and for association with prophets. Oh God! I submit my need to you, verily; my intellect is weak and my artifice small. My work falls short and I am in need of your compassion. I ask you, Oh Protector of affairs, Oh Healer of Breasts to grant me protection from t...